Goddess Getaways

Get Everything You’ve Ever Wanted Goddess Getaway

You already know how to get what you want through hard work and massive effort – rarely taking time for yourself because you are too busy taking care of everyone else’s needs.

Now stop and imagine your feet in the sand, sun on your face, and the ocean breeze on your skin. Imagine you finally have the time and space to see…hear…and feel the desires of your heart and soul. Support and guidance are available every step of the way. Your path reveals itself and you are empowered to see where it leads.

This is your time. I am so excited to help you discover how to manifest all you desire and deserve with more ease and grace than you ever thought possible!

Join us on a 5 Day Goddess Getaway in Mexico so you can get away from the noise and distractions of everyday life, identify and realize your core desires, and learn how to manifest the life you have always dreamed of!

This event only happens once a year, so if you want to getaway with fun new girlfriends and gain clarity on your desires and how to attain them, get your name on the list NOW for the next 5 day adventure in Mexico,  January 9-13, 2019!

The Goddess Getaway was truly a gift!  A gift to me, my family, my business, and everyone around me. By letting go of stuck, blocked negative energy (some of which I didn’t even know existed) I am able to live in the present and plan for the future. Looking at all aspects of life with a grateful attitude feels wonderful and light.  Using all the tools taught during the Getaway, I am already seeing a significant difference in all aspects of my life! Thank you Sheila for leading this getaway and guiding me to balance and pure joy!

Imagine yourself with the your feet in the sand, sun on your face and the ocean breeze whispering your name as the waves settle your soul so you can SEE, HEAR and FEEL the life you desire on its way to you.
We are so excited about the manifestation potential of this week and how dramatically it will change your life! You are not creating everything you ever wanted in just this one week, rather, you are learning the tools you need to GET EVERYTHING YOU’VE EVER WANTED FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE! What a deal, right?

I’ll share the tools I used to go from being a divorced mom with two teenagers who was laid off from my high-stressed, high-paying job that was destroying my health and well-being, to a vibrant, independent woman with excellent health, a romantic partnership, time, spaciousness, and work that is rewarding and purposeful.

This is an intimate and personalized week of life coaching, enlightenment, nourishment and fresh perspectives. Apply to attend the next Goddess Getaway, January 9-13, 2019, availability is extremely limited to assure plenty of attention to your heart’s desire, so apply today to see if you are one of the six for this year.

Apply Here

Manifester: [man-uh-fest-er] a person who uses Law of Attraction principles to create the life their soul desires, bringing into the physical plane that which they desire in their mind’s eye, clear, distinct, visible. Are You Ready to Manifest Your Heart’s Desires?When you work these metaphysical principle, you’re using your mental and emotional energy to manifest whatever you desire on this physical plane.  Sounds exciting, doesn’t it?  It is!

“I am seeing manifestations already!!  I had the name of a company I wanted to work for, along with pictures of women dressed in work clothes.  I was offered a job on Friday with that company.  This is so cool!!!  It’s crazy how it works.  I am a true believer.  My life is forever changed!’  (J.C.)

Would you like to become a Master Manifester, too?  If so, join us on our next
Get Everything You’ve Ever Wanted Goddess Getaway!

January 9-13, 2019
Villa dei Sogni Resort
Puerto Penasco (Rocky Point), Mexico


Join us for a life-changing, transformational week – it is time you had the life you have always wanted!

What you will experience:

  • A week to relax, unwind and get away from life’s hectic pace and constant “noise”
  • Get crystal clear on what you want to achieve in the new year
  • Uncover any hidden blocks and obstacles to your success and dissolve them – release any fears, doubts, insecurities and build confidence in knowing what you want is already yours!
  • Create clear action steps for achieving the life you most desire
  • Pamper and nourish your body with organic whole foods, yoga, walking meditations and dance
  • Form friendships to last a lifetime, a support network who believes in and supports your vision
  • Learn the tools, techniques and mind/body/spirit practices you need to take the peace, love and joy you will feel, back home with you
  • Because of the personalized coaching attention available to every amazing woman on this Getaway, space is

Limited to Only 6 Goddesses!
(sorry guys, but no men allowed)

We’ve booked gorgeous oceanfront accommodations overlooking the Sea of Cortez.  We’ll be staying at the beautiful Villa dei Sogni Resort in Rocky Point, Mexico.  Room, meals, workshops, life coaching and ‘special surprises’ are all included in the cost. All you need to do is make your travel arrangements.

Here’s what your schedule will look like:

Arrive: Wednesday evening (January 9)
Dinner begins at 6:00 pm (January 9)
Thursday sessions  (9am- 9pm, January 10)
Friday sessions  (9am – 9pm, January 11)
Saturday sessions  (9am- 9pm, January 12)
Sunday session from (8:00am – 10:00am, January 13)
Depart: Sunday 11:00am (January 13)


Remember, space is
Limited to Only 6 Goddesses!
This is a very special opportunity.
Your life will never be the same again.
SIGN UP TODAY because once they are gone, they’re gone!

Apply Here

No prior yoga experience is necessary for this getaway, all levels welcome and honored with modifications provided.

Let’s Unwrap
The Grateful Goddess Getaway Package…

TRANSFORMATIONAL WORKSHOPS: The teachings, principles, exercises and personalized journey to designing a life you love!

ACCOMODATIONS: You will have a private room in a mansion situated on the sandy beaches of the Sea of Cortez, two stories of expansive space for group activities, and a large outdoor deck to watch the sunrises and sunsets along with the dolphins at play.

ALL MEALS INCLUDED: Relax, sit back, and be pampered with all your meals prepared for you with whole, organic foods.

EXTRA SURPRISES: Gifts to make sure you get the most from your experience, and reminders so when you return home you incorporate your new learning into your everyday life.

Apply Here

Another amazing and magical week in Mexico getting clear on our deepest desires and how to create a life you love! Here are a few comments from the goddesses of January 2018…

Too many revelations and breakthroughs to name! Most importantly, I learned I don’t have to keep living the story I had created for myself that told me I was stuck, unhappy, depressed, not going anywhere, unhappy where I lived, and unhappy with my job. I let go of a lot of old beliefs and learned to re-frame things and make a mind shift- which is what I was desperately needing. I left the retreat overall feeling lighter in my mind and spirit. Things don’t HAVE to be the way I thought they were. I feel like I have an entirely new perspective on literally everything in my life, and I’m seeing things through a happier and more positive lens.

Certain challenges in my life exposed themselves to me. I was able to receive perceptions in a new light.

My favorite aspects of the week were the sessions led by Sheila on re-writing your past, setting your intentions, and how to create a vision board. I also enjoyed the shared meals together, and the sleep meditation with facial.

I enjoyed the meditations, healthy food, journaling, yoga, and the small group

I loved the food, beach time, training and yoga/meditation

The house itself is beautiful,  just needs a little TLC. I loved the size of the house and the fact all of us had plenty of space- more than plenty of space! I never felt cramped or like others were in my space. I also loved having my own room for sleeping and when I needed a break (I’m an introvert and sometimes the sessions were heavy, with lots of talking/sharing, and I needed to process and clear my head).

Being right on the beach was beautiful and peaceful, and I loved the amazing views and having the ability to go down to the beach for walks, etc. I also loved being able to do yoga overlooking the beach in our own private area!

I hope you continue to have your getaway in this location. It was serene and really set the environment for the Goddesses. I would attend again. I’ve already spoken to a few women about it. =)

I loved it!

Loved the vastness and views were amazing!

The food was amazing- and you could tell Sheila spent a lot of time planning and preparing everything for us. I absolutely loved every single meal. I never felt hungry, and since I’m a snacker, I loved having snacks available that I could eat when I needed/wanted.

I also appreciated that the trip was alcohol free. I liked that there was no pressure to drink/not drink and that it was not even an option. I was grateful to have a clear head to do the hard mental work I needed to do.

The food was so amazing! Something I was also able to take away from this retreat. Plus it felt so pampering and nurturing to receive. What a rarity and what a wonderful treat. Thank you!

Food was wonderful!

Excellent presentation and combinations of foods

The yoga was beautiful, and I liked that we did more “flow” style.

I thought yoga was wonderful!

I liked the variety of beach and patio yoga time. It was exciting to see breakthroughs on the expansion of different poses.

Sheila, you did an amazing job, and I left the Goddess Getaway feeling like an entirely new person. My eyes were finally opened. I learned that I DO have the power to create the life I want– instead of living a life I knew I did not want, but did not know how to fix. You gave me the tools to do that, in an environment that felt so open and comfortable for sharing and honesty.

I am looking at everything differently. I feel calmer, and the anger and resentment that I entered the Getaway with are gone. I feel like I shed years of exhausting mental energy that had been holding me back, and I can now be focused on creating exactly the life I want!

I am grateful to have found you!



 Many of the photos Credit: Kristi Ulrich, KU Photography, [email protected] 


Another satisfying and successful Goddess Getaway January 5-8, 2017. So many breakthroughs, revelations and big ahas! Here are just some of the comments from the women who attended:

“I Loved the people, the beautiful setting, the nourishing food. The yoga practice was fabulous as was the entire Gratitude “training” not sure if that is what you call it. Gained some important insights. I especially enjoyed making the Vision Board”

“Everything was very well put together and presented in a way that allowed vulnerability and an acceptance of the process to happen effortlessly. I enjoyed the Central theme, and the genuine love offered throughout the weekend.”

“I loved the sense of sisterhood that we achieved together. Although when asked certain questions I was already doing some of the things, it was a great reminder to continue on this path of gratitude. The vision board exercise was helpful to put it out in front of me. ”

“I loved being on the beach, seeing the sunrise and sunset and Dolphins. Rocky Point Mexico was a big wonderful surprise! The workshop was well organized and I was able to take the time to reflect on upcoming new year and the amazing possibilities.”

“I loved the guided meditations. I did not realize the things I had held onto and it was a great feeling to truly let go of the negative and fill myself with positive. I also liked the little bit of free time. This helped me process all that I was learning. Time was well balanced between working on things and letting it set in.”

“It was a gift to feel in my heart the gratitude I have been saying in my mind. It all seemed to be solidified into place the moment I arrived.”

“Letting go of some past stuck energy was huge. I also liked how we all dug deeper for answers to blocks as well as finding the real reasons on why we want certain things.”

Re: a particular NLP exercise:  “This was beneficial to me because going in I did not know what I needed to work on. With Sheila leading the way and asking great questions I was able to learn of a block I didn’t know existed. This has allowed me to take steps in fixing the block so I can grow, as well as, grow in my business.”

“The location was amazing. I loved getting out of the country because it allowed me to disconnect from routine life and fully focus on myself.”

“You did a great job accommodating everyone’s dietary needs with delicious food everyone could enjoy.”

“The meals were well planned, healthy and delicious! All food allergies and sensitivities were graciously accommodated with a variety of creative solutions.”

“I was never hungry…plenty of great snacks as well.”

“Very delicious food!”

“The meditation was a huge plus in my opinion! It was guided wonderfully with questions answered that needed to be.”

“I liked the way Bri changed up the yoga every day. I loved all of them”

“Love love loved the yoga!!! Very cool how it was customized individually as well as a whole group.”

“I love your work, your spirit, and your message, You are inspirational!”

“I think you did a fantastic job and will recommend it to friends.”

“I really loved the vision boards at the end. I felt directed and focused on what I wanted and it was much easier for me to express that visually vs written in a journal. When I look at my board my heart sings. I am incredibly appreciative for you opening your heart and sharing your personal wisdom.”

“The group of women that came were all wonderful. It is great to surround yourself with the variety of women who came. I also enjoyed how open everyone was to talk as I learned a lot by listening to their stories too. This made the overall experience that much better! The timing of the getaway was perfect! Life and business were hectic and having time to focus on me has allowed me to be greater and better in all areas. What a fabulous way to start the new year!!!”

“The Goddess Getaway Weekend was truly a gift!  A gift to me, my family, my business, and everyone around me. By letting go of stuck, blocked negative energy (some of which I didn’t even know existed) I am able to live in the present and plan for the future. Looking at all aspects of life with a grateful attitude feels wonderful and light.  Using all the tools taught during the Getaway, I am already seeing a significant difference in all aspects of my life! Thank you Sheila for leading this getaway and guiding me to balance and pure joy!”


Some of my favorite feedback from the 2016 weekend:

“Thank you so much for putting this together! It was truly life changing.”

“Okay, so I’m a tough grader and I thought it was really exceptional. The pacing and topics were varied enough and I ACTUALLY LIKED not knowing the schedule. It kept me more present.”

“I had so many breakthroughs! I got over my fears of (removed for anonymity) and was comfortable being myself.”

“I felt that the activities stretched and prodded in just the right way. I gained more insight into who I am and what I want to do and how I want to feel.”

“Highlights are the campfire, the food and the way the environment and workshops gave us the opportunity to be vulnerable. Takeaways were a groundedness, insight into true wishes rather than just surface “wants,” and a newly instilled trust in others.”

“I also appreciated that we took some time to delve deep into our whys. I really needed to do that and the facilitation really helped.”

“I loved knowing that everything I ate was going to be good for me. No guilt and delicious!”

“The retreat was handled really well. Both Sheila and Kate offered valuable input, which was appreciated. There were so many intellectual, emotional and physical changes …”

“Beyond transformational is how I would describe Sheila’s Get Everything You Want Goddess Getaway Weekend. With just the right amount of guidance, love and gratitude, I gained new insight and renewed sense of self from Sheila and her daughter Kate. It was the catalyst I needed to figure out my future career goals, including applying for business school and wanting to own my own business. Of course it didn’t hurt to have the royal treatment at a beautiful beach house in Mexico with yummy food and yoga everyday! Thank you Sheila!”


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