Pre Election Results Comments

I admit, when I videotaped this segment of my next Goddess of the Month, I had no idea I was being guided to say it because I was the one who was going to need to hear it the most. It has been a hard pill to swallow, yet I do believe in this message. This election is reflective of just how many people are hurt and suffering and that the only way to solve are problems are by seeking to understand their pain. Only hurt people hurt people, so we need to truly listen to understand where that pain is coming from and try to heal it with love. So here are my thoughts prior to tuning into the polling results…

Stay tuned, I will post the actual interview the beginning of December.

Until then, here is my comments while processing through my own pain…

Public Apology to Hillary. I am sorry, Hillary, I failed you. I supported you, yet only in the safe confines of friends and family who I knew felt the same way I do. Sure, I ‘liked’ others posts, yet I did not publicly voice my views and campaign openly for you. You see, I am not a political person, I have never had an interest in it. My mom once told me that I was the problem in America. Really? Me? All I have ever wanted to do was spread more love, joy, compassion and understanding in the world and inspire others to do the same. And I am the problem? It was a very hurtful thing to hear, yet I understand and see it now. My silence, just to avoid coming under attack and to keep the haters at bay, DOES make it that much harder for all those who are willing to take a stand and face the brutal attacks, lies and shaming. We ARE stronger together and if I had been wiling to be more vocal, it may have encouraged others to be more vocal, also. I just didn’t think it was possible that someone who was so blatant in their disrespect and disregard for almost all humans could possibly win. I didn’t think it was necessary to stick my neck out. Yet here you have repeatedly been criticized, shamed and abused and you continue to stand tall. Your courage, stamina and grit are commendable and awe inspiring. I not only failed you, I failed my mom who I actually thought would help us out from “the other side.” No, it was my turn to step up, take the baton and be willing to speak out. When you know better, you do better. Right, Maya? So, I am going to be better about speaking up when I see injustices. I think about all the times I bit my tongue and just put up with slights, digs, sexual harassment, and being paid less while working twice as hard. Gratefully, I no longer find myself in those situations as I work for myself with clients I love and respect, yet I know many still have this ongoing battle of when to speak up vs shut up. Locker room talk is a bullshit excuse, I know far too many good men to lump them all together. I am still processing and reeling from the outcome, yet I believe we will rise up and be braver, stronger and even more resilient together.

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