Goddess of the Month ~ Linda Memmesheimer

I met Linda at a health convention in Salt Lake City and was so taken by her passion to spread the message of disease prevention, she quickly became my Goddess of the Month. Linda shares her own journey through breast cancer diagnosis and treatment and credits many holistic doctors along with the music and lyrics of Sting to empower her on her road to recovery. One of her major turning points was the ‘permission’ she found in Dr. Christiane Northrup’s books Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom and The Secret Pleasures of Menopause to listen to her own inner wisdom as to the best course of treatment rather than blindly following a doctor’s orders. This interview opened my eyes to some of the hidden dangers and causes of cancer, as well as, what we have the French woman to thank for leading the way and showing us how we can take health into our own hands.

To learn more about Linda and her crusade to prevent disease, go to www.preventcanswers.org

Resources mentioned:

Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom by Dr. Christiane Northrup

What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About Nutritional Medicine by Dr. Ray Strand

AntiCancer: A New Way of Life by David Servan-Schreiber

Think Beyond the Pink – A Weekend for “The Girls” October 21-23, 2011 – Inspiration, Information and Empowerment for women to learn how lifestyle changes can lower breast cancer risk. Marriott Hotel – Hickory Ridge, Lisle, Illinios. More details at www.preventcanswers.org

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  • I’m continually amazed by the realization that the human body invites us to be more present, and more engaged in our life experience, even through “disease.” Inherent to every pathology is a road to deeper wisdom, greater awareness of what’s possible, and more love. Thank you, Linda, for taking such a proactive approach to your healing journey. And thank you, Sheila for sharing!

  • First off, LOVE your picture so warm & friendly! I’m such an advocate of being proactive to improve our health and prevent all those yucky diseases especially as we grow older. Its a shame that western medicine is more reactive than proactive. But, so thankful that there are some doctors out there being proactive, the tides are changing and evolving. I’m actually a member of Life Extension and practice a lot of their teachings. Thanks so much for sharing. Awesome post!

  • Very informative. Thank you. My (holistic) doctor has been recommending theromgrams and this has given me more incentive to explore. I also started working with a holistic dentist to remove and replace all the mercury in my mouth, I am not sure if this is related, but it seems sensible to rid my body of these unhealthy toxins. Thanks for the post!

  • Yes, Laura, the mercury in your mouth does relate, so glad to hear you are having them removed and agree that the thermography is a much safer route.
    Thanks Yvette, yes, I take USANA health supplements and agree with the importance of protecting ourselves with proper amounts of antioxidants and minerals.
    Kendra, I couldn’t agree more that there is a pull for us all to be more present to our bodies and how we live our lives, tuning in and taping into our innate wisdom is so revealing.
    Stormy, yes, I agree prevention is empowering!
    Thanks all!

  • ” I knew if I couldn’t figure out Why, I wouldn’t figure it out How to get well.” Great statement!
    Linda is a wonderful voice for taking our health care into our own hands. Amazing, not offering a healthier treatment because there is not a “code” for it! Really great information and Interview.

  • Great interview! Great that this information is getting out there. I think it’s so important for women to be empowered over their own bodies instead of letting the insurance companies decide what is the best care for us.

  • As a 3x breast cancer survivor, it is always great to hear when people strive to take the role of prevention, education, and personal responsibility! Change in our approach to diseases like cancer is the way we need to be thinking – education is empowerment, and is what I like to share with others as well. Changes in lifestyle is so important. I hadn’t heard about this event, but would love to participate for the next one! Thanks for spreading the word, Sheila and Linda!
    xo, Tina

  • What a gorgeous banner I must say – it evokes so much joy!
    I have found that even though I struggle with the connection rationally, I find my body telling me stories all the time. When I listen I’m the healthiest (and happiest) – thank you so much for reminding me to do that 🙂

  • i love the comments! love your banner! love the concept of goddess of the month!
    a diseases is a body that is not at ease (dis-ease) i learned that via a coach and it always stuck with me. i do my best to take good care of myself, but at times, i do fail, and i always think of the above (be at ease i tell myself). it’s important to know when you need to slow down and just “BE” we women at times are running around like a crazy person and we’re simply not at ease. what happens if we simply slow down? the sun will still come out tomorrow. thanks so much for the reminder.

  • I really dig Linda’s motivation to “think beyond the pink” and do her own research. It’s frustrating to see people blindly accept a diagnosis or treatment plan without even questioning if this is the right path for them. It’s not pink shirts or the yellow wrist bands that are going to save us from cancer, it’s what we do to help ourselves, and I think this is a really great message you share here!

  • Laurie, I agree – knowledge is power!

    Ellen, thank you for that, as she was concerned about not looking professional, but I thought the information was too valuable to not do the interview simply because we lacked makeup and a pressed shirt. 😉 I am glad you appreciated our casualness.

    Pat, I was surprised to learn the ‘no code’ for thermography also – amazing what simple things can stand in our way of progress.

    Sabra, I agree, we need to take matters into our own hands.

    Tina, I am glad to hear you are a survivor and proud of your efforts in advocating healthy lifestyles.

    Sammie and Nasrine – thank you for the compliment on the banner, I was a little hesitant to add my photo, but also know that I appreciate ‘seeing’ who I am talking to. 😉 And I am a huge advocate for listening to our bodies, they hold such infinite wisdom and any pain within it is leading us to what needs to be addressed and cared for. I am so happy you are in ‘community’ with me on that one.

    Scott – so very wise of you, I agree wholeheartedly!

  • Thanks to both of you ladies for the amazing work you are doing in the world….There is SUCH a need! I have dealt with a number of health issues this year, including surgery to remove my left ovary…but thank GODDESS….NO cancer! One of my best friends went through breast cancer at only age 28 and I am now more aware of my own breasts as a result. I am doing mammography this year and planning to do some overall research on the procedure and prevention. Already doing my green juice, diet and exercise. I’m also going to go look up Iodine now after hearing about it in your video. Thanks for sharing this all…It’s very valuable.

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