Tina Allen is a massage therapist with a massive mission of having EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE receiving the healing benefits of massage. Her focus is on infant and pediatric massage for all children ranging the spectrum from healthy children in loving families to those living in orphanages with severe medical conditions and everyone in between. As only one person spreading her message, she trains others to carry on her work and most recently published a book that everyone can buy that will assist in self-education worldwide. This beautifully illustrated book may be purchased on amazon.com or from her website, Liddle Kidz Foundation – http://www.liddlekidz.com.
In this video, you will learn some of the amazing healing benefits of massage, her unique way of living to spread her message and how you can incorporate nurturing touch and its many benefits into your own life.
Great video, Sheila! Inspiring story and such an important message! The power of human touch is so strong, especially for kids I think. I love giving my kids a massage, and if I am lucky I get one back
Thanks for introducing Tina Allen and her passion to me, what she does is truly amazing!
Thanks Christine. One of the interesting facts that Tina points out in her workshop is that you derive the benefits of massage whether you are the one giving or receiving – isn’t that cool? I think about how much I love to be on the receiving end and yet, when I think about it, I also enjoy giving them. Ahh, such is life… The balance of yin and yang, giving and receiving!
Great video! I knew massages were beneficial to one’s health, but I didn’t realize to what extent. I love getting & giving massages to my boys, I can see why now. Thanks for introducing us to Tina and her passion & inspiring mission. WOW!
Thanks Yvette, I agree wholeheartedly!
Sheila, thanks so much for introducing Tina Allen to us! Such an inspiration to see one person making an impact on MILLIONS of others. Also, her book looks sooo adorable – I have no doubt that it’s got tons of useful information and stories for anyone to enjoy.
When I was a young girl my brothers would always coax me into giving them back rubs. When I got older I joked how I was coerced, but now that I know both the giver and the receiver benefit I don’t feel so tricked. LOL. The healing power of touch is amazing. And, just Divine that Tina has introduced this to children. They’ll learn to carry this with them always. Wonderful.
Thank you, Bianca, yes, I have a copy of the book and it is not only beautiful, it is kid friendly in the story-telling while being educational in how to implement – a must have for any family or a great gift for a mama-to-be!
Very funny, I love it, Pam! Thanks for sharing your reframe.
Congrats to Tina on her 18 years as a massage therapist and all that she’s doing to spread the word about pediatric massage. My kids are lucky enough to have a massage therapist for an aunt, so they’ve fallen in love with giving and receiving massages.
Great story and great cause. Massage should be a necessity. My granddaughter gives the best little shoulder massages…it is pretty sweet.
Wow, this is a well designed program with fantastic message for outreach. As a creator of the transformational fitness program HoopYogini (http://jocelyngordon.com/programs/hoopyogini/) and a former massage therapist, I strongly advocate education rooted in healthy touch and experiential anatomy – we live in our bodies, it’s good to know how our vehicle for living is designed Thank you Tina Allen for your program and your inspirational world-wide reach. I look forward to learning more!
Gotta love that, Cathy, a built in massage therapist, and I bet she is adorable!
Thanks Jocelyn, I am mesmerized by good ‘hoopists’ (is that what you call hoopers?). I have a hulahoop, but only really do the basic moves. I will need to work on that! Thanks for your shout out!
Thank you so much, Sheila for sharing the work of the Liddle Kidz Foundation and for all of the fantastic comments!