Jenn Bergen is the owner of Infinite Choice Consulting and the creator of Bio-Energetic Survey Technique or B.E.S.T. Our bodies always know what is best for us and this unique modality uses muscle-testing to ask your body specifically what it wants or needs, as well as, the action steps to carry out your true desires…
Goddess of the Month
Goddess of the Month ~ Sunny Dawn Johnston
Sunny Dawn Johnston is a spiritual teacher, inspirational speaker and internationally acclaimed psychic medium. She is the owner of Sunlight Alliance. I met Sunny in Minneapolis over 10 years ago at a Holistic Expo and was so drawn to her energy that I have made a point to connect with her at least once a…
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Musings on Joyful Living
Give Only What Your Heart Can Give Freely, Musing by Sheila
I was visiting with a friend who was lamenting about ‘bending over backwards’ for another women in need and was feeling used, betrayed and exhausted. It was a good reality check for me as I am such a big proponent of all the benefits of giving, I seldom talk about the flip side… is it…
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Goddess of the Month
Transition to a new format for Goddess of the Month
More than five years ago I read a book by Po Bronson called “What should I do with my life?’The book was filled with inspirational stories of people who had followed their intuition to discover their soul work. I was not only struck by the divine guidance each person was called to follow, I was…
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Goddess of the Month
Goddess of the Month ~ Manon Philine Getsi
Welcome to the new and improved Grateful Goddess Club! Starting this month and moving forward, I will highlight a Modern-day Goddess sharing with you her divine gifts in the world. My first guest Goddess is Manon Philine Getsi, owner of Emergence Healing, specializing in lifting karmic burdens so freedom can emerge. Manon is a Divine…
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Musings on Joyful Living
One Door Closing Opens a New Perspective, Musing by Sheila
Out of the blue, my front door started having difficulty closing. It wasn’t a progressive thing, it went straight from ease to struggle. I checked what I thought would be all sides to the issue ~ the door frame and the door top, bottom and sides, but I could not see or feel any interference….
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Musings on Joyful Living
Sheila & Kate’s Big Adventure Road Warrior Highlights
August marks the beginning of my transition to living in a new locale. Following are highlights from the road with my daughter, Kate: Kate’s very last ortho appt, one last photo of Kate doing the penguin pose in her room, and one last stop at Sahr’s for a big bear hug from Ron and we…
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Musings on Joyful Living
Would you like one sink or two with that house order? Musing by Sheila
I am afraid of being alone the rest of my life. There. I said it out loud. The ‘problem’ is, I really like my life. I enjoy having complete and total freedom and not having to seek anyone’s approval on what to do, how to do it and where the money goes. And every time…