It was my distinct pleasure to spend 5 days in Mexico at Sanoviv Medical Institute with Collette Larsen, an extremely accomplished woman with a loving and gentle soul. Her story is one of rising from the ruins and adversities in life that easily claim many as victim (admittedly starting out in that role) and moving…
Goddess of the Month
Goddess of the Month ~ Kate Northrup
I had the good fortune to have Kate Northrup visit in mid May and share her wisdom in attaining financial freedom conducting a seminar on Women & Wealth. What I love about Kate is her authenticity, true desire to help others and transparency, giving her perspective about what is really going on in her world….
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Goddess of the Month
Creating Functional Art Out of Garbage ~ Will and Jane Fowler
I am particularly grateful to have reconnected with a young 😉 high school classmate and her husband in San Diego, a new favorite vacation spot for me. Not only was it just like old times (even better actually), I was also extremely impressed with their lifestyle and the mark they are making in this world….
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Musings on Joyful Living
Learning to say NO, Musing by Sheila
I was enjoying the sounds of the trickling water cascading down the rocks and taking in the beauty of the majestic mountains appreciating having no urgency to be anywhere other than where I was at the moment, when I heard a woman gaining speed behind me singing, ‘No, no, no, no, no you’re not the…
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Goddess of the Month
Following her Heart & Creating a True Health Movement with Dr. Karen Wolfe
This month it is my pleasure to introduce you to my friend and mentor, Dr. Karen Wolfe, an Australian physician, coach, author and international speaker. Karen discusses how she joined Dr. Christiane Northrup’s vision of creating a true health movement helping reverse the trend in the rise of the diabetes epidemic. The legacy Dr Karen…
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Goddess of the Month
Goddess of the Month ~ Jane Poynter
[youtube][/youtube] Jane Poynter is a an author, speaker, and president of Paragon Space Development Corporation. I first came to meet Jane after she was the emcee of a TEDx event on the latest in technology and advancements in sustainable living and everything green. She had such a command and presence of the stage along with…
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Musings on Joyful Living
Are you seizing the day or turning into frog soup? Musing by Sheila
I was stuck in my usual routine and found myself in the same frustrations. Things were going ‘wrong’ in the house – no heat from the furnace, no hot water, broken latch on the fence, etc. and I found myself putting up with it simply because it is my default system to just endure discomforts…
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Musings on Joyful Living
They Teach It At Standford Musing on Girlfriends
They Teach It at Stanford (this was received by email and I was unable to confirm the author or the validity, but I would believe it to be true.) “I just finished taking an evening class at Stanford. The last lecture was on the mind-body connection – the relationship between stress and disease. The speaker…