Coming from an abusive childhood household, Michelle had dropped out of high school, been hospitalized for anorexia, had a few (thankfully failed) suicide attempts and began living on her own, at times on the streets, at the age of 17, she was not your candidate for most likely to succeed, and yet, she did. Michelle…
Goddess of the Month
Reducing Kid’s Anxiety Through Yoga Play with Goddess Kiely Wilkins
Enough about me the last few months, I am happy to get back to my regular Goddess of the Month feature where I interview women living their life purpose and making a positive impact in the world. Kiely Wilkins is one such goddess. As a nutritionist and yoga instructor, Kiely is a young, vibrant woman…
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Goddess of the Month
More Insights, Love and Chance to Win!
This month’s video continues to reveal more insights and lessons learned in my healing journey PLUS an assignment to draw even more love into your life. Somewhere in the video I use a quote from one of my favorite movies. If you are the first to identify the quote and which movie it comes from…
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Goddess of the Month
Important Life Lessons
I am really limiting my time on computer, and sitting up for that matter, so I will get right to the message for January 2015. Thank you all so very much for your messages, well wishes and prayers, know that they helped me immensely and that I am well on my way to recovery. The…
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Goddess of the Month
What You Most Need to Know Right Now
A funny thing happened on the way to this post… I was planning to do my usual Goddess of the Month feature and filmed a fun and fabulous LA Goddess while I was in California for the Thanksgiving holiday. Well, you know how holidays are – a little jam-packed with fun and merriment, so although…
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Goddess of the Month
Goddess of the Month ~ Hygeia
Hygeia, Goddess of Health Hygeia was the Greek goddess of health. She was daughter of Asclepios, the god of medicine, and granddaughter of Apollo. In the Greek myths, Hygeia has a lineage full of ‘the healer’ archetypes. Some say, that in contemporary times, Hygeia signifies the herbalist, the nurse, and the holistic health practitioner. She…
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Goddess of the Month
Shifting Your Relationship with Your Body to one of Pure Love by Goddess Laurel Inman
Laurel Inman has a beautiful, gentle, eloquence about her. As a health and wellness coach, she has learned that following her own inner wisdom and moving with grace and ease is much more effective than powering through, pushing, striving, struggling and dominating one’s way to achievement. This is true whether you are talking about a…
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Goddess of the Month
Awakening Your Intuitive Power with Goddess Deborah Kern
Have you ever just “known” you should do one thing, but choose to do another because it is the “logical” thing to do only to be disappointed that your instinctual knowing was spot on and your logical brain was off base? Of course you have, we all have. How do we get to the point…